101.   Six percent believed tensions have eased, while the rest gave no comment.

102.   Tension eased in the provincial capital of Pontianak, but reports of clashes between local tribesmen and migrants came from a town in Sambas district to the north.

103.   Tension has eased considerably between the rival states since North Korea apologised this week for a submarine incursion in September.

104.   Tensions eased after more than two hours when fresh bread supplies were delivered.

105.   Tensions eased last week and Arafat telephoned Hussein after Crown Prince Hassan ibn Talal promised to hand over custody to the Palestinians after negotiations over the status of Jerusalem.

106.   Tensions have eased in Burundi, where tribal antagonism is simmering, following a visit by UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata, a spokesman said here Tuesday.

107.   Tension eased Saturday on the Lebanese border where Israel has massed troops following rocket attacks launched by guerrillas in southern Lebanon.

108.   Tension eased in the West Kalimantan capital of Pontianak, but reports of clashes between local tribesmen and migrants came from a town in Sambas district to the north.

109.   Tension eased last week after intense international diplomatic efforts led by the United States.

110.   Tension eased when Taiwan agreed to resume semi-official talks in Beijing to resolve problems arising from hijacking, fishing and stowaways.

n. + ease >>共 674
tension 5.53%
price 4.93%
government 4.63%
pressure 2.59%
dollar 2.34%
report 2.04%
rain 1.84%
step 1.54%
crisis 1.54%
situation 1.54%
tension + v. >>共 336
be 25.81%
rise 8.97%
remain 6.71%
mount 4.73%
run 3.16%
increase 2.86%
ease 2.74%
escalate 2.49%
flare 2.42%
grow 2.37%
每页显示:    共 110