101.   I told the story as fairly as possible.

102.   He told the story in elaborate detail.

103.   The book tells the story of her sudden rise to fame.

104.   Spent their nights around the campfire good-naturedly jollying and telling scary stories.

105.   The book tells the story of how the company was founded.

106.   The Bible tells the story of how God parted the Red Sea.

107.   The story is told from the viewpoint of someone who grew up during the Great Depression.

108.   His stories are always told with bravado.

109.   Cowpunchers hanging out and telling stories during branding time.

110.   He told the story honestly and without contrivance.

v. + story >>共 516
tell 27.03%
have 4.20%
hear 3.24%
write 3.17%
read 2.01%
share 1.82%
change 1.81%
publish 1.59%
run 1.27%
know 1.25%
tell + n. >>共 546
story 19.43%
reporter 11.47%
truth 5.53%
police 3.63%
court 1.97%
joke 1.56%
tale 1.53%
investigator 1.20%
tales 1.20%
difference 1.15%
每页显示:    共 3095