101.   He was supervising the all-important seating in the bleachers behind the podium, which would show up on television news.

102.   He thinks television news should be balanced, and polite, and that television is as much a public service as a business.

103.   Her announcement, issued just before the evening television news, riveted many in Britain, a country hungry for any scrap of information about the princess.

104.   He was allowed to watch the official television news, and saw a man standing in front of a tank, arresting its progress.

105.   He said it would encourage more face-to-face campaigning and less reliance on campaign commercials and airport stops to get on the local television news.

106.   He sold his tape to the local television news, she said proudly.

107.   His aides arranged for him to spend much of the afternoon giving interviews for the nightly television news.

108.   Her father told her to turn on the television news.

109.   Her hiring sets up one of the most interesting battles in television news.

110.   His wife, Lorraine Wadlington, a registered nurse, had awakened him early Thursday morning, after watching the early television news.

n. + news >>共 365
television 22.42%
earnings 8.28%
network 5.02%
company 3.51%
business 3.47%
inflation 2.59%
sport 2.13%
market 2.09%
week 1.84%
cable 1.84%
television + n. >>共 463
station 9.69%
network 6.10%
set 4.06%
camera 3.68%
show 3.68%
interview 3.08%
commercial 2.66%
report 2.56%
program 2.49%
crew 2.34%
news 1.95%
每页显示:    共 533