101.   The team travels to remote areas in Bangkok in the last week of every month.

102.   The teams travel from Guyana, on the hump of South America, to the nearby Caribbean island of Trinidad on Tuesday.

103.   The teams travel to Sydney for the second final on Sunday and for the third on Tuesday if required.

104.   The team now travels to France.

105.   The team traveled to the political capital Abuja on Friday for initial consultations with the government.

106.   The team traveled within northern and southern Sudan and to neighboring Kenya.

107.   The teams travel to Melbourne on Monday and will play their next matches on Wednesday, with Australia taking on South Korea and Malaysia playing India.

108.   The team always travels with plenty of computer games and music equipment to keep the players happy.

109.   The team quickly travels undersea and takes up residence in a high tech deep-water habitat while investigating the strange craft, uncovering a remarkable sphere inside it.

110.   The team travels to nearby Lyon from this southeastern resort town Thursday for their final first-round match.

n. + travel >>共 1050
team 3.31%
official 2.94%
bus 2.76%
people 2.73%
train 2.41%
delegation 2.20%
man 1.84%
president 1.81%
group 1.58%
leader 1.49%
team + v. >>共 713
be 14.38%
have 8.12%
play 3.81%
win 2.60%
go 2.11%
make 1.72%
say 1.59%
do 1.49%
meet 1.47%
lose 1.43%
travel 0.31%
每页显示:    共 143