101.   Pound reiterated IOC criticism of the city government for allowing street vendors to turn some areas into a bazaar.

102.   Paris Drake, a street vendor, was arrested in that case and charged with attempted murder.

103.   Police car sirens provide background music for street vendors hawking their wares and the sidewalks are crowded with racks of colorful clothes.

104.   People without photo IDs, including some street vendors, have been scared away or turned away at police checkpoints, leaving long stretches of the sidewalks bare.

105.   Prizren, an elegant old Turkish town, normally crammed with car traffic, street vendors and numerous ethnic Albanians, was eerily quiet and empty.

106.   Police stopped street vendors from selling water to people using the area designated by convention organizers for protests.

107.   Pollution, poor sanitation, crime and the growing number of street vendors were among the campaign issues.

108.   Rosette notes that the First Amendment offers protection for the street vendors, a protection that a court ruling emphasizes.

109.   Santa reverently removed his New York Police Department ball cap, which he had bought three years earlier from a street vendor near the trade center.

110.   She keeps her job because the most common alternative is to work as a live-in maid or a street vendor.

a. + vendor >>共 270
street 38.78%
outside 3.63%
local 2.77%
major 1.81%
roadside 1.72%
vegetable 1.62%
private 1.53%
chicken 1.53%
small 1.34%
illegal 1.24%
street + n. >>共 779
protest 10.69%
corner 9.57%
vendor 4.93%
clothes 3.15%
demonstration 2.96%
child 2.75%
crime 2.68%
battle 2.58%
violence 2.55%
light 2.28%
每页显示:    共 404