101.   U.S. agents went to a storage facility near Daytona Beach International Airport.

102.   Two weeks ago, with a storage facility and barge already rented, the investor dropped out of the deal because of the economic downturn.

103.   We take the equipment, wash it down, put it back from whence we got it in its storage facilities and redeploy.

104.   What if there was a major explosion at a nuclear storage site, or a major accident at a missile production or storage facility?

105.   While acknowledging that some stored food has been held beyond recommended dates, board officials insist that storage facilities and even questionable foods have been checked by state inspectors.

106.   You can build your own temperature- and humidity-controlled cellar or rent space in a professional wine storage facility.

107.   Other attacks included strikes on airfields, a radar site, a petroleum storage site and an ammunition storage facility.

108.   Police believe he stole the cesium from a storage facility to hawk it on the black market.

109.   Pilots and their commanders on the USS Enterprise said they scored several direct hits, including a surface-to-air missile storage facility and a training camp.

110.   A carting firm is planning frequent rail shuttles of atomic waste to temporary storage facilities in Germany in coming years, a newsmagazine reported Sunday.

n. + facility >>共 907
storage 5.39%
production 5.25%
research 3.19%
sport 3.09%
practice 2.92%
detention 2.83%
treatment 2.71%
credit 2.16%
health 1.82%
government 1.50%
storage + n. >>共 308
space 9.30%
facility 8.89%
site 8.55%
tank 7.95%
area 6.01%
room 3.66%
device 3.66%
capacity 3.54%
system 3.54%
unit 2.25%
每页显示:    共 282