101.   Henri-Levy was scathing in noting that no mayor from a major French city had come to show solidarity with the people of Sarajevo.

102.   However, he added that he had perceived a willingness on the part of the EU to show solidarity with Britain.

103.   It shows the solidarity of the United States, but now we have to continue to go forward.

104.   As the governing parties called a press conference to show their solidarity, analysts said Haider appeared to be increasingly isolated within his own party.

105.   The opposition Labour Party said Thursday it would refuse interviews with the BBC in order to show solidarity with the strikers.

106.   The retired officers marched with their uniforms on hangers, showing their solidarity with the officers accused of involvement in the April coup.

107.   They stood outside police barricades to show solidarity with the victims of a lethal gas-leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant.

108.   Juppe said he hoped that Sweden would show solidarity and agree to extradite Deneche.

109.   Local townspeople spilled into the streets to join the protest Saturday, showing their solidarity with striking teachers by throwing stones and homemade Molotov cocktails at police.

110.   Police spokesman Colonel Jan Combrinck said police took part in the march to show solidarity with the community in bringing drug offenders to justice.

v. + solidarity >>共 106
express 32.31%
show 22.12%
demonstrate 3.85%
pledge 3.08%
promote 2.12%
urge 1.35%
maintain 1.35%
strengthen 1.35%
seek 1.35%
feel 1.15%
show + n. >>共 1032
sign 13.22%
interest 4.00%
support 1.59%
improvement 1.41%
picture 1.14%
emotion 1.13%
promise 1.11%
restraint 0.93%
footage 0.92%
willingness 0.91%
solidarity 0.36%
每页显示:    共 114