101.   While many are sentenced to die, most death penalties are not carried out.

102.   Had he been convicted, he also would have been sentenced to die by stoning, the official said.

103.   He was referring a construction worker sentenced to die by the firing squad in the UAE for killing an Indian man.

104.   Husaini had also been sentenced to die by stoning but the Islamic appeal court in Sokoto on Monday dismissed the charges against her.

105.   A former Presbyterian minister who shot dead an abortion doctor and his bodyguard was convicted of murder Wednesday, and could be sentenced to die in the electric chair.

106.   Twelve people, most of them charged with violent rape, have been sentenced to die since Congress restored capital punishment in January for so-called heinous crimes.

107.   Twenty-three of its members have been sentenced to die.

108.   Separately, sources at the foreign office said President Ramos would appeal for clemency for another Filipino worker sentenced to die abroad.

v. + die >>共 76
sentence 36.00%
lie 24.67%
will 4.67%
be 2.67%
come 2.33%
abandon 1.00%
injure 1.00%
say 1.00%
willing 1.00%
engineer 0.67%
sentence + v. >>共 41
die 36.36%
prison 17.85%
hang 13.13%
serve 5.39%
jail 5.39%
be 2.36%
spend 2.02%
time 1.68%
follow 1.68%
find 1.35%
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