101.   Gingrich would not disclose what Albright had discussed with him and other senior members of Congress, except to say that it involved very sensitive information.

102.   He became the senior member of the New York congressional delegation and the senior Republican on the House Judiciary Committee.

103.   He and senior members of the New National Party agreed to pull out of the Democratic Alliance.

104.   He has even granted player requests on everything from where the most senior members of the team park to where they sit on the team bus.

105.   Having senior members on the Appropriations Committee, therefore, is not as valuable as it once was.

106.   He made his remarks after a hastily arranged meeting in the White House with President Clinton and other senior members of the administration.

107.   He currently serves as a senior member of the House Budget Committee.

108.   He insisted that the secret document was consistent with the main agreement and would be made available on a confidential basis to senior members of Congress.

109.   He is also a senior member of the Governmental Affairs Committee, where he has made his voice heard on issues like lobbying reform and government procurement.

110.   He said he had told senior members of the various campaigns to lower their financial expectations if they hoped to compete with the Bush fund-raising machine.

a. + member >>共 559
family 20.27%
council 4.96%
new 4.77%
party 4.10%
cabinet 3.21%
former 3.01%
union 3.00%
permanent 2.99%
the 2.80%
senior 2.26%
senior + n. >>共 459
official 25.50%
officer 4.38%
government 3.90%
executive 3.02%
member 2.90%
leader 2.39%
year 2.27%
administration 2.24%
aide 2.19%
adviser 2.04%
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