101.   It is something of a role reversal only two years after Gingrich and the Republicans seized control of the House.

102.   Jamie Booker hit a three-pointer to start it, but it was Watts who, seizing control, drove the lane.

103.   Just as Hay had demanded, the Coyotes stormed out of the locker room to seize control of things.

104.   Kerrey blamed Clinton and Gore for letting Republicans seize control of Congress that year.

105.   Kipp reportedly backed management against an attempt to seize control of the bank by Martin Ebner, a Swiss financier.

106.   Last year, it was Gargan who seized control of the party, in a coup masterminded in part by Ventura of Minnesota.

107.   Last year, he seized control of the Kansas City Housing Authority, placing it in a receivership he oversees.

108.   Like so many DeLillo characters before her, she feels a compelling need to try to seize control of her life.

109.   Meanwhile, forces of the Fatimid dynasty of Egypt had seized control of the Holy Land and Jerusalem from their fellow Muslims, the Turks.

110.   Microsoft, he argues, has attempted to use its Windows monopoly to seize control of the market for browsers.

v. + control >>共 416
take 18.65%
lose 9.36%
have 8.88%
regain 4.23%
gain 3.81%
retain 3.78%
seize 3.35%
maintain 2.88%
tighten 2.44%
keep 2.39%
seize + n. >>共 904
control 8.14%
power 8.14%
opportunity 5.80%
weapon 3.30%
property 2.53%
moment 2.49%
asset 2.04%
document 1.81%
land 1.50%
initiative 1.37%
每页显示:    共 560