101.   Last June after he was reelected to Parliament, he was moved from a maximum security prison and placed under house arrest.

102.   Last month, a Moscow court sentenced Knazyev to four years in a minimum security prison.

103.   Last week, Amir was moved to an isolation cell at Ohalei Kedar, a maximum security prison where he is being monitored around the clock.

104.   Last week, Muladi threatened to send Gusmao back to a high security prison unless he retracted a call for a popular insurrection in East Timor.

105.   Kaunda was released from a maximum security prison and placed under strict house arrest after the criticism.

106.   Lawyers visited former Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda in a maximum security prison Saturday while international pressure for his release mounted.

107.   Meanwhile, Raul Salinas was being held in a maximum security prison outside Mexico City, guarded by government troops.

108.   Meanwhile, the two are being held in a small cell in a maximum security prison outside Baghdad, Khaled Jarjees said.

109.   Mexican police also are hunting for Joaquin Guzman, another heir of the Felix Gallardo group, who escaped from a maximum security prison last year.

110.   Morales is in a maximum security prison in the State of Mexico.

n. + prison >>共 138
term 39.30%
security 19.36%
high-security 6.00%
island 3.29%
life 1.74%
week 1.45%
medium-security 1.36%
five-year 0.97%
government 0.87%
time 0.87%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
prison 0.41%
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