101.   Putin, who remained on vacation at a Black Sea resort during most of the frantic rescue operation, did not appear in public Monday.

102.   Putin, who remained on vacation at a Black Sea resort during most of the frantic rescue operation, made no public appearance Monday.

103.   Race organizers refuse to cancel the race, saying a mass exit of fans would have hindered rescue operations.

104.   Putin, who chose not to interrupt a vacation on the Black Sea, waited until last Wednesday to speak about the rescue operation.

105.   Reprimands were issued to four officers in the Pacific over the failure to mount a timely rescue operation, but these were later rescinded.

106.   Rescue operations were slowed by the lack of a crane to lift one collapsed heap from another.

107.   Rescue operations continue at The World Trade Center collapse site after a terrorist attack on the structure on Tuesday.

108.   She has had to re-establish her mission in temporary quarters while overseeing a chaotic rescue operation and arranging to evacuate dozens of wounded officials and employees.

109.   She has had to re-establish her mission while overseeing a chaotic rescue operation.

110.   She was joined by a psychiatrist, a flight surgeon and the Immigration and Naturalization Service agent who had led the rescue operation.

n. + operation >>共 731
rescue 8.60%
relief 2.61%
police 2.56%
security 2.40%
search 2.39%
heart 2.27%
business 1.94%
sting 1.74%
bypass 1.68%
basketball 1.67%
rescue + n. >>共 311
worker 25.40%
effort 10.98%
operation 10.55%
team 10.23%
package 3.43%
plan 3.25%
mission 3.19%
crew 2.92%
official 2.92%
attempt 2.64%
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