101.   Not everyone is convinced direct-satellite radio will be a winner.

102.   Not only is the radio about the size of a brick, it works and feels as sturdy as one.

103.   Nor are its radios compatible with those used by the Russian military.

104.   Now there is two-way radio.

105.   Of course amateur ham radio by law is strictly noncommercial.

106.   On that day, people gathered at the manor houses of wealthy families, where radios were tuned and ready.

107.   On the other hand, Vidich said he thinks subscription services are unlikely to catch on as long as free, ad-supported radio is available.

108.   Others sit in the parking lot unable to unfasten their seatbelts if the radio is on.

109.   Once upon a time, the radio was the most important piece of furniture in most American living rooms.

110.   One of the biggest criticisms of satellite radio is that it largely lacks a local presence, and local response was where most stations acquitted themselves the best.

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radio 0.02%
radio + v. >>共 402
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