101.   Two newspapers opposed to Papandreou published nude photos of Mrs. Papandreou last month in an attempt to drive Papandreou from office.

102.   Vanity Fair would not say when the photos would be published.

103.   I do not know under what conditions these photos were published.

104.   A photo has been published in which both men can be seen riding the same car the day of the murder.

105.   A local newspaper, the Cork Evening Echo, published a photo Wednesday of Quinn leaving hospital with blood coming out of his mouth.

106.   According to the British Daily Mirror, the French magazine Paris Match will publish similar photos Thursday.

107.   According to the British Daily Mirror, the French magazine Paris-Match will publish similar photos Thursday.

108.   Cairo newspapers Monday published photos of some of the seized equipment, including stamps and printing material to falsify Egyptian identity cards.

109.   Eric Halphen says the magazine was wrong to publish a photo of him and intimate details of his daily life.

110.   The photo was also published by the Syrian monthly Al-Shahr, which is printed in Lebanon.

v. + photo >>共 411
take 14.65%
snap 4.70%
publish 4.48%
show 4.37%
have 3.66%
include 3.14%
see 3.03%
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use 2.03%
feature 2.00%
publish + n. >>共 641
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