101.   The rules for citizen legislators are questioned by a new study in Illinois, which like most states relies on public disclosure to keep the system honest.

102.   The public disclosures of unscrupulous agents and wrongdoing by Camby have taken away some of the luster from the best season in UMass basketball history.

103.   The self-regulatory organization of the brokerage industry operates a public disclosure hot line about disciplinary action taken against stockbrokers and brokerage firms.

104.   The standards impose an obligation to make public disclosures of campaign contributions within five days.

105.   The report also dropped recommendations the union had favored, like a requirement that companies make public disclosures about the concessions they gave.

106.   The state refused to release documents relating to any other incidents of abuse requested through public disclosure.

107.   The SEC said the arrangement was a conflict of interest that required public disclosure.

108.   The settlement has renewed debate about the toxic hot spots law, which environmental groups hail as a milestone in public disclosure.

109.   The statistics represent the first public disclosure by a cruise line about the number of alleged rapes and other sexual assaults that occur on cruises.

110.   The transition also announced gift and ethical policies that prohibits appointees from accepting most gifts, and pledges them to keeping information learned about applicants from public disclosure.

a. + disclosure >>共 293
financial 13.75%
full 12.86%
public 9.88%
new 5.12%
greater 3.63%
recent 2.56%
corporate 1.55%
latest 1.49%
selective 1.49%
embarrassing 1.37%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
disclosure 0.32%
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