101.   The government also promised to revive legislation that died last year when Chretien dissolved Parliament to hold the November election, including a bill to protect endangered species.

102.   The government introduced legislation in October to protect endangered species, but it was criticized by environmental groups as inadequate and died without a vote.

103.   The Rio summit took steps toward countering global warming, protecting endangered species and saving tropical forests.

104.   The State Government should formulate a law to protect all species of turtles on the island.

105.   They also spoke of coordinating efforts to restore Byzantine monuments in Turkey and Ottoman monuments in Greece and cooperating to protect endangered species.

106.   They were charged with illegal entry to a national park, carrying fire-arms without permission and killing protected wildlife species.

107.   Trade in ivory is banned by international conventions on protecting endangered species.

108.   An appeal from Asian states for an urgent clampdown on the trade in tiger parts was approved Wednesday by the body that protects endangered species from illicit international commerce.

109.   Commercial dealings in tortoise shells are banned under an international treaty to protect rare species.

110.   The WWF has launched a campaign to encourage governments, industry and ordinary people to help protect endangered species.

v. + species >>共 298
protect 12.37%
threaten 4.41%
preserve 3.33%
save 3.23%
find 3.12%
endanger 2.80%
include 2.69%
list 2.26%
identify 1.72%
have 1.61%
protect + n. >>共 1085
child 3.38%
right 2.90%
environment 2.68%
privacy 2.25%
interest 2.02%
people 1.92%
worker 1.66%
consumer 1.37%
civilian 1.07%
investment 1.06%
species 0.76%
每页显示:    共 114