101.   McVeigh will also see his younger sister, Jennifer, perhaps his closest friend and confidante, testify as a prosecution witness.

102.   Meanwhile Thursday, defense lawyers attacked a key prosecution witness.

103.   Ms. Corcella said the evidence would include bugged conversations of all of the defendants, except Petrizzo, and testimony from Colombo family defectors who have become prosecution witnesses.

104.   Nevertheless, Lee expressed no interest in returning to Los Angeles to rebut the prosecution witnesses.

105.   Mr. Tirelli snoozed through statements by a critical prosecution witness and dozed off during other damaging testimony.

106.   Not long after, he became a prosecution witness, testifying that Sharif personally called him three times, ordering him to divert the plane.

107.   Now, Sherman clearly believes he can exploit a credibility problem for at least one prosecution witness.

108.   One is a defendant in the case, the other is the key prosecution witness.

109.   One prosecution witness said Armitta Granicy acknowledged to him that crystalized iodine could be used to make drugs.

110.   Other prosecution witnesses included friends of Levin who broke down on the stand as they recounted their frantic efforts to find him.

n. + witness >>共 134
prosecution 33.68%
defense 17.75%
government 8.49%
character 4.28%
rebuttal 3.86%
eye 3.51%
police 2.88%
interview 2.39%
child 2.11%
defence 1.54%
prosecution + n. >>共 164
witness 32.76%
team 7.58%
case 6.48%
lawyer 4.30%
request 4.23%
evidence 3.69%
official 3.41%
source 2.66%
expert 1.64%
claim 1.43%
每页显示:    共 477