101.   Last-minute haggling delayed the prisoner exchange from Thursday.

102.   Makhashev is a member of the Chechen delegation to peace talks, which produced a military accord in July that included prisoner exchanges.

103.   Meanwhile, a group of observers met in Grozny on Friday to work out a prisoner exchange, part of the military agreement, ITAR-Tass said.

104.   Maskhadov and Russian commanders were expected to meet on Saturday to discuss prisoner exchanges, which hit snags this week.

105.   Negotiations on a prisoner exchange are under way, aimed in part at reviving talks that were abandoned by the FARC in November.

106.   Negotiations on a prisoner exchange are underway, aimed in part at reviving the flagging talks, suspended unilaterally by the FARC in November.

107.   Murr said the prisoner exchange will take place under Lebanese government supervision.

108.   Negotiations over the evacuation of remaining civilians have been held up over Serb demands that all men be turned over for use in prisoner exchanges.

109.   Negotiations on a prisoner exchange are under way, aimed in part at reviving flagging talks that were suspended unilaterally by the FARC in November.

110.   Negotiations on a prisoner exchange are under way, aimed in part at reviving the flagging talks, suspended unilaterally by the FARC in November.

n. + exchange >>共 292
prisoner 14.22%
currency 7.92%
artillery 6.65%
future 6.01%
needle 5.14%
commodity 4.51%
information 3.35%
option 1.85%
e-mail 1.79%
gunfire 1.79%
prisoner + n. >>共 155
exchange 26.03%
release 21.27%
issue 7.94%
swap 7.72%
transfer 2.54%
group 2.12%
advocate 1.38%
right 1.16%
rebellion 0.85%
demand 0.85%
每页显示:    共 245