101.   But its comfortable position after some Sporting slipups in recent matches might have undermined its aggressiveness against Amadora.

102.   But Guillen thinks a switch back to his original position after playing third base last season should help.

103.   But the TV said the commission investigating the disaster believes the mattresses floated into their position after the sinking.

104.   But Lebed has no constitutional authority as head of the presidential Security Council and he may be seeking to strengthen his position with an eye to after the elections.

105.   Chait Galit and Sergey Sakhnovsky from Israel retained their third place position after the original dance.

106.   Clement backed down from the position after being called to a meeting by the chancellor.

107.   Drivers in Inchon initially agreed to shelve their strike plans but later reversed their position after talks with management bogged down.

108.   Earlier this month, Bemba agreed to pull his forces back from two front-line positions after the United Nations promised to establish relief operations in the areas.

109.   Ellerkmann has been transferred to a new position after serving in Bosnia as a high-ranking official of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

110.   Ethiopians consolidate positions after breaching Eritrean lines.

n. + after >>共 1520
day 1.64%
year 1.60%
week 1.30%
reporter 1.27%
game 1.06%
hour 0.96%
season 0.88%
month 0.85%
hospital 0.82%
time 0.56%
position 0.23%
position + p. >>共 100
of 26.74%
on 18.26%
as 8.64%
at 6.73%
for 6.61%
with 5.55%
to 3.19%
by 2.27%
around 1.69%
after 1.59%
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