101.   SMRs are wireless phone networks that adapt dispatching technology used by taxis and truckers to provide wireless phone service.

102.   Some video-calling programs operate over the regular phone network.

103.   Sprint has lobbied the U.K. government to be allowed to build an international phone network in the U.K. rather than use those of BT or Mercury.

104.   Specifically, van Miert wants the French and Germans to allow alternative phone networks to start carrying computer data communications traffic by January.

105.   State-owned National Power Corp. said it expects to lease its electricity transmission lines to a new telecommunications consortium planning a fiber-optic phone network.

106.   Sprint is another company that has lobbied the U.K. government to be allowed to build international phone networks, rather than using those of BT or Mercury.

107.   Sprint must publish normally confidential financial details of the rates its pays to gain access to the French and German phone networks.

108.   Sprint is upgrading its phone network to offer high-speed voice, data and video services.

109.   STET has an advanced digital phone network throughout most of Italy capable of high-speed connections to the Internet.

110.   Such a move would prevent Telecom Eireann from using its stranglehold on phone networks to sew up the market even after full competition is introduced.

n. + network >>共 725
television 18.26%
computer 14.95%
cable 8.95%
communication 3.38%
distribution 2.96%
telephone 2.32%
phone 2.03%
telecommunication 2.02%
radio 1.79%
news 1.64%
phone + n. >>共 231
company 18.59%
number 14.36%
line 13.61%
service 9.20%
conversation 4.20%
message 3.89%
system 2.48%
bill 2.45%
market 1.83%
network 1.76%
每页显示:    共 186