101.   A few years later, group members were granted permanent residency, but not citizenship.

102.   A British doctor ordered to leave Australia because his Brisbane-born baby daughter has cerebral palsy got permanent residency Wednesday after the Immigration minister reviewed the case.

103.   A Jamaican immigrant who spent six years in jail before being acquitted of murder has been ordered deported a day before his hearing to apply for permanent residency.

104.   A visa allows an immigrant to stay in the country and reserves a place to later apply for a green card, which means permanent legal residency.

105.   After that, Liberian citizens would have to return home unless they could get a new visa or gain permanent residency.

106.   All had permanent residency status in Malaysia.

107.   Al-Tikriti has received permanent residency in Switzerland as a businessman, the dissidents told The Associated Press in telephone interviews from several European capitals.

108.   An application for permanent residency for his family, including his doctor wife Judy, elder daughter Jessica and Rosie was turned down.

109.   And all future Chinese nationals granted permanent residency would be able to bring their sons and daughters here.

110.   An immigration board also awarded Kiareldeen permanent residency in the United States, declaring he posed no threat to national security.

a. + residency >>共 108
permanent 43.57%
legal 18.27%
temporary 3.61%
medical 2.81%
peruvian 1.00%
new 1.00%
psychiatric 1.00%
proper 0.80%
immediate 0.60%
foreign 0.60%
permanent + n. >>共 1273
member 11.37%
peace 4.21%
resident 3.39%
seat 2.65%
residency 2.35%
home 2.18%
damage 1.98%
replacement 1.96%
trade 1.79%
collection 1.61%
每页显示:    共 216