101.   However, parts of Maluku have large Christian populations.

102.   Joint federal institutions link the Serb republic and the Muslim-Croat federation, but each part also has its own parliaments and governments.

103.   Many Chinese enjoy eating rare animals and believe their body parts to have valuable medicinal properties.

104.   Some parts also have shallow potholes that needed to be paved.

105.   Some parts were just bones, while other parts had flesh on them, he said.

106.   Spare parts had to be routed from the Airbus main depot in Hamburg, Germany, to the customer.

107.   The few phone calls and other actions involving Bruder show that he had no part in any conspiracy, said his attorney, Stuart London.

108.   The Julie Newmar part has to do with a photo Vida swipes from a restaurant in New York and takes on the road.

109.   This part of Sinai has no paved roads, no schools, no shops.

110.   Full repairs would take three months and spare parts had to be imported from France.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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team 1.89%
people 1.78%
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
part 0.06%
part + v. >>共 562
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come 3.03%
have 2.87%
go 1.28%
make 1.23%
get 1.10%
begin 0.87%
remain 0.74%
seem 0.67%
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