101.   Opposition members of parliament proposed a motion contesting the election results.

102.   Opposition members of the Kuwaiti Parliament have been demanding that the post of the premier should not be held by a member of the ruling al-Sabah family.

103.   Opposition members planned to go ahead Tuesday with the first public rally against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic since the end of the NATO air campaign.

104.   Opposition members said the documents proved their accusations that government agents were spying on politicians from the small, windowless room.

105.   Opposition members said their action was justified because the documents proved their accusations that government agents were illegally spying on politicians from the small, windowless room.

106.   Opposition members seized at least four tanks, and civilians clambored on the vehicles as they lumbered down the streets.

107.   Opposition members seized at least four tanks, and civilians climbed atop the vehicles while they moved down the streets.

108.   Opposition members will resume its work in the National Reconciliation Commission and the cabinet on Tuesday, Press Secretary Zafar Saidov said.

109.   Opposition parties have agreed to pull together against coalition members in runoff elections and back the opposition party member with the best chance of winning.

110.   Opposition party members accused Chavalit of going back on his word.

n. + member >>共 330
crew 16.44%
staff 11.91%
committee 6.29%
team 5.42%
gang 5.31%
faculty 3.13%
opposition 3.06%
cult 2.49%
audience 2.20%
band 2.07%
opposition + n. >>共 248
party 21.50%
leader 20.59%
group 9.11%
politician 4.35%
force 2.89%
lawmaker 2.79%
figure 2.62%
candidate 2.59%
member 2.51%
supporter 2.01%
每页显示:    共 635