101.   They all went to their proms, with members of the opposite sex.

102.   They are also prohibited from fraternizing with corps members of the opposite sex.

103.   They obviously peaked in high school, but we know nothing of their aspirations beyond the pursuit of the opposite sex.

104.   They like to party, tease their uptight parents and make out with the opposite sex.

105.   These time-tested flirting techniques will help you succeed with the opposite sex, he said.

106.   They dress as the opposite sex but often keep their preferences secret.

107.   This difference in assessments of the opposite sex, argue the UCSD psychologists, explains all the gender gap in jealousy.

108.   They have forbidden surgeons from operating on members of the opposite sex and reintroduced stoning as the penalty for adultery.

109.   This category is for individuals whose sexual interests are directed primarily towards objects other than people of the opposite sex, toward sexual acts not usually associated with coitus ....

110.   This latest kink in the ragingly popular dysfunctional family comedy presents twins of the opposite sex who are, well, made for each other.

a. + sex >>共 683
opposite 5.58%
unprotected 5.21%
consensual 3.51%
convicted 3.25%
premarital 3.15%
same 3.08%
illegal 2.95%
former 2.82%
unsafe 1.74%
gay 1.67%
opposite + n. >>共 292
direction 24.21%
side 10.70%
effect 6.88%
end 6.60%
sex 6.06%
way 3.28%
field 2.64%
view 2.35%
approach 2.25%
conclusion 1.64%
每页显示:    共 169