101.   Afghan warlords opened peace talks Monday in Iran, but the Taliban religious militia that controls most of the war-torn country was absent.

102.   Also Friday, U.N. officials opened talks to revitalize an anti-sniping agreement for Sarajevo.

103.   American and Russian negotiators opened talks last week in Geneva, Switzerland, on reducing nuclear stockpiles and defending against nuclear attack.

104.   And he reiterated his willingness to open talks with the Hutu rebels but insisted they first lay down their weapons.

105.   Anxious about not qualifying for a unified European currency, Italy opened talks with Spain aimed at winning an extension in the cutoff date for monetary union.

106.   At DMZ, Bush urges North Korea to open talks and embrace freedom.

107.   Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Lee Sands opened talks in Beijing with Chinese trade officials on the issue.

108.   At Nowa Huta, workers participated in the bloody Solidarity strikes that forced the communists to open talks leading to democracy.

109.   Attempts to bring the Serbian government and Kosovo Albanians to open talks on the status of the restive southern province have reached a deadlock.

110.   Attempts by President Andres Pastrana to open peace talks with the ELN have stumbled repeatedly.

v. + talk >>共 397
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