101.   The pertinent numbers seem to foretell more of the same for a long time to come.

102.   They nevertheless agreed, as did other educators, that the number seems in keeping with the steep trajectory Internet use has achieved in the past few years.

103.   Those numbers seem like a thing of the past.

104.   Those numbers seem to be in sync with what Streetbeam is doing.

105.   Though that number seems optimistic to some industry watchers, almost everyone agrees that the movement has grown significantly.

106.   Though the numbers seem low, they mask sharp differentials by area, race and maternal age.

107.   To my chagrin, the number of calls seemed to increase.

108.   U.N. aid workers say that extraordinary numbers of Albanians seem to be trekking their way through the rugged peaks that span the border between Kosovo and Macedonia.

109.   While the numbers seem troublesome for Jordan, his election history shows fortunes can change dramatically when one in four voters is undecided at this point in the campaign.

110.   While a large group seemed to back Bush, an equally large number seemed divided between the rest of the field.

n. + seem >>共 1552
people 2.07%
investor 1.12%
thing 1.12%
side 0.82%
official 0.77%
player 0.72%
government 0.62%
team 0.61%
company 0.60%
problem 0.59%
number 0.38%
number + v. >>共 549
be 38.81%
grow 2.06%
have 1.96%
increase 1.59%
come 1.52%
say 1.46%
rise 1.45%
show 1.30%
remain 1.22%
go 1.18%
seem 1.04%
每页显示:    共 127