101.   More than a million shares of Bougainville Copper Ltd. traded over several days before news broke that Papua New Guinea would use mercenaries to put down the rebellion.

102.   Mrs. Carling in an interview Tuesday in the social and fashion magazine The Tatler said her marriage started collapsing when news broke of Carling and Diana.

103.   News suddenly broke from the state Supreme Court and Gore huddled inside to rewrite his statement.

104.   Other band members, who were waiting for Hutchence to arrive at a television studio when news of his death broke, issued a statement Sunday.

105.   Other band members, who were waiting for Hutchence to arrive at a television studio when news of the death broke, issued a statement Sunday.

106.   Putin returned to Moscow Saturday amid criticism of his decision to stay on vacation when news of the disaster broke.

107.   Shortly after the news broke, a Lazio spokeswoman, Laura Zaccheo, said the club had no immediate comment.

108.   Since the news broke Thursday, it has topped all major newspapers and television broadcasts.

109.   Shortly after the news broke, Lazio spokeswoman Laura Zaccheo said the club had no immediate comment.

110.   The dollar rose against the Deutsche mark minutes after the news broke.

n. + break >>共 1749
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man 1.59%
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story 1.39%
company 1.36%
cloud 1.10%
rebel 1.04%
news + v. >>共 512
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