101.   Two French naval ships sat off the coast of the Indian Ocean islands Tuesday.

102.   Two Mexican naval ships, a helicopter and a plane searched the region Tuesday under clear skies before suspending the search at nightfall.

103.   U.S. aircraft have been carrying out surveillance flights over Somalia for several months, and Western naval ships are patrolling its coastline.

104.   Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko grudgingly boarded a South African naval ship on Friday for talks with the rebel chief who is trying to unseat him.

105.   French naval ships and aircraft would also be banned from visiting.

106.   He was on a South African naval ship docked in Congo waiting to chair Zairean peace talks between President Mobutu Sese Seko and rebel adversary Laurent Kabila.

107.   Iran was reported to have used it in its conflict with Iraq and in the Gulf War, while Iraqi troops used it against allied naval ships.

108.   A Bangladeshi naval ship rushed to the vessel on receiving an SOS from the Alexandria and rescued four injured people.

109.   A bid by one group to sail across to Italy ended in tragedy last week, when their tug boat collided with an Italian naval ship.

110.   A parade of modern naval ships and vintage World War II-era aircraft off Waikiki Beach will follow later that day, Kicklighter said.

a. + ship >>共 876
navy 9.22%
new 2.70%
naval 2.70%
the 2.04%
japanese 2.00%
merchant 1.94%
russian 1.94%
sinking 1.74%
chinese 1.71%
tall 1.43%
naval + n. >>共 388
base 15.48%
vessel 8.38%
officer 6.63%
force 5.74%
exercise 4.72%
ship 3.77%
blockade 2.64%
gunboat 2.11%
operation 1.94%
patrol 1.75%
每页显示:    共 135