101.   The antiwestern, anti-elite resentment growing throughout the Muslim world has now gained public expression here.

102.   The aim is to win the propaganda war, or the battle of public diplomacy in the Muslim world.

103.   The bombing remains unpopular in much of the Muslim world.

104.   The attack coincides with a deep sense of ambivalence about the United States throughout the Muslim world.

105.   The conflict over Kosovo caused great international alarm, and U.S. involvement with Israel is causing increasing anger in the Muslim world.

106.   The Crusades are not considered water under the bridge in the Muslim world.

107.   The Croats cannot afford to offend the Muslim world and especially the United States by dropping out of the partnership.

108.   The crude leaflets provoked riots and calls for vengeance, not only in Hebron but in much of the Muslim world.

109.   The demonstrations in the Muslim world were really pretty penny ante.

110.   The danger zone in central Asia, where Russia meets the Muslim world, is still terra incognita to them.

a. + world >>共 802
arab 6.60%
outside 5.82%
real 4.74%
new 3.44%
developing 2.93%
former 2.75%
whole 2.37%
muslim 1.76%
modern 1.63%
islamic 1.53%
muslim + n. >>共 515
militant 7.80%
group 5.43%
country 4.95%
rebel 4.16%
leader 4.14%
extremist 3.28%
nation 2.63%
world 2.43%
cleric 2.31%
enclave 1.97%
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