101.   The EU mandate in Mostar expires in December.

102.   The current mandate expires on Friday, when the council is expected to vote on the resolution.

103.   The current UNOSOM mandate expires on Monday.

104.   The factions are struggling for control of Kabul, currently held by supporters of Rabbani whose presidential mandate expired last December.

105.   The Indian parliament closed its crucial budget session Saturday after approving an extension of federal rule over Kashmir by six months from mid-July, when the current mandate expires.

106.   The mandate expires Friday night.

107.   The minority Democrats on Friday blocked a measure to extend the committee whose mandate expired late Thursday.

n. + expire >>共 307
contract 22.29%
term 9.41%
time 5.33%
deadline 4.05%
visa 3.94%
mandate 3.90%
agreement 3.50%
lease 3.14%
period 2.37%
law 2.15%
mandate + v. >>共 112
be 35.22%
expire 18.94%
run 4.60%
end 3.36%
allow 2.48%
require 2.12%
come 1.77%
include 1.77%
change 1.24%
take 1.06%
每页显示:    共 106