101.   Witnesses said Barkley threw the man through a plate-glass window after the man threw ice at the player and several companions.

102.   Witnesses said the men threw da Costa in the trunk of their car and drove away.

103.   Witnesses saw three men throw grenades from the second floor of the public market, Alamia said.

104.   A consulate general staffer, who declined to be identified, told AFP by phone from Surabaya that an Indonesian man threw the bomb Tuesday morning.

105.   The Palestinian man threw a Molotov cocktail at the soldiers manning the checkpoint, who chased him.

106.   Two masked men threw two incendiary devices into the dining hall of a German-Turkish friendship association, causing a fire but no casualties, police said Tuesday.

107.   Young men threw stones at police as most of the crowd ran for side streets.

108.   One report said a lone man threw the grenade but no further information was available on those responsible.

109.   Seven Moslem worshippers were wounded when a man threw a grenade into a crowded mosque in central Kampala on Friday, witnesses said.

110.   Six people were in the restaurant of the Hurturk association late Monday when the two men threw one firebomb into the room and another in the entrance.

n. + throw >>共 1159
protester 3.75%
judge 3.73%
court 3.48%
demonstrator 2.88%
fan 2.74%
man 2.33%
people 2.16%
youth 2.16%
pitcher 2.14%
student 1.89%
man + v. >>共 806
be 16.98%
have 4.17%
say 2.59%
die 2.06%
take 1.23%
go 1.22%
come 1.10%
do 1.07%
wear 0.91%
make 0.90%
throw 0.27%
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