101.   Black looked through the folder once more, then made his decision.

102.   So you have to insulate the, the administrators from direct control of the people if you, if the administrators are going to make good decisions.

103.   You are consciously suppressing, your ego is consciously making a decision not to do something even though you know you want to do it.

104.   I think the credibility of the planning system is enhanced by the fact that decisions can be made on individual circumstances.

105.   I made a decision, or rather I hedged my bets.

106.   Apart from the information arising from your analysis what other information would you advise the bank to consider when making their decision.

107.   The information in the annual accounts may not be suitable for the decision to be made in respect of planning, control, investment etc.

108.   The functional budgets give management the opportunity to make decisions within the defined objectives of the company.

109.   Voters are given only part of the story when making their decisions.

110.   They were given authority to make decisions to help guests at the point of contact.

v. + decision >>共 346
make 32.57%
announce 5.27%
appeal 4.43%
take 4.00%
expect 3.85%
reach 3.05%
reverse 2.63%
say 1.84%
defend 1.77%
base 1.43%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
每页显示:    共 8348