101.   The measures give police greater freedom to search car trunks and loosen restrictions on nighttime searches and the monitoring of phone conversations and Internet exchanges.

102.   The provision was quick to draw accusations that Microsoft is backpedaling from its promise to loosen licensing restrictions.

103.   The report also praised Indonesia for loosening its restrictions on the media since the fall of President Suharto last year.

104.   The Senate Appropriations Committee sent the Interior bill to the Senate floor without amendments loosening environmental restrictions that have prompted vetoes and gridlock in recent years.

105.   The United States gave this argument modest recognition in September by loosening restrictions on Cabinet-level contact.

106.   Two months after announcement of the agreement, the International Rugby Board loosened its restrictions on compensation for rugby union players.

107.   We must not loosen the restrictions on concealed weapons.

108.   WTO membership is likely to expand foreign investment in some high-tech industries as Beijing loosens restrictions on foreign ownership and business operations.

109.   Worried about rampant media consolidation, key Senate Democrats are trying to put the brakes on government efforts that could loosen restrictions on the industry even further.

110.   But by loosening such restrictions, Tokyo hopes to attract a greater number of foreign companies in wholesale, retail and various service sectors, the daily said.

v. + restriction >>共 402
impose 12.33%
ease 11.92%
lift 11.71%
place 4.51%
remove 3.24%
tighten 3.05%
have 2.93%
relax 2.56%
loosen 2.36%
face 2.07%
loosen + n. >>共 290
restriction 10.16%
grip 7.86%
control 6.45%
rule 5.48%
tie 5.12%
regulation 3.62%
policy 3.27%
rein 2.03%
soil 1.77%
hold 1.68%
每页显示:    共 114