101.   This is a key expected provision in the IMF package, which has only been partially announced.

102.   Treasury Board and the unions are locked in secret discussions over a proposal to amend a key provision of the controversial workforce adjustment directive.

103.   When federation officials take control of Grbavica on Tuesday, Sarajevo will be unified, achieving a key provision of the Dayton peace accord.

104.   A key provision in the agreement allows Northwest pilots to fly beyond contractual maximum limits in exchange for premium pay of time and a half.

105.   But a key provision allowing Americans to sue those companies in US courts was suspended by President Bill Clinton in July.

106.   Lawmakers on Thursday passed dramatically weakened legislation aimed at cracking down on terrorists, drawing criticism from President Bill Clinton for stripping out key provisions.

107.   Netanyahu has refused to implement key provisions from existing accords, particularly a long-delayed army withdrawal from the West Bank town of Hebron.

108.   Netanyahu has refused to implement key provisions from the accords, particularly a long-delayed army withdrawal from the West Bank town of Hebron.

109.   One key provision of the Geneva agreement allowed the Bosnian Serbs to forge special ties with neighbouring Serbia.

110.   The draft includes a new chapter on international cooperation, and another key provision would commit Japan to providing troops to support UN peacekeeping activities.

a. + provision >>共 684
new 5.12%
key 3.91%
constitutional 3.73%
similar 3.38%
such 2.99%
controversial 2.70%
special 2.63%
specific 1.88%
no 1.60%
statutory 1.46%
key + n. >>共 831
player 4.92%
issue 4.43%
role 4.39%
element 1.96%
figure 1.83%
factor 1.81%
part 1.65%
point 1.58%
member 1.51%
question 1.48%
provision 0.41%
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