101.   On the other hand, millions of Americans are trapped in a generational cycle of poverty, and our infant mortality is a tragedy.

102.   Only two years ago, the Hispanic infant mortality rate in Boston was rising, Carballeira said.

103.   Paralleling national trends, Massachusetts did show improvements in its rates of infant mortality, child deaths and high school dropouts.

104.   Poor, pregnant women might forego necessary prenatal care, resulting in higher rates of infant mortality or birth defects.

105.   Proceeds from the company will help underwrite a national campaign she wants to launch immediately to raise awareness about infant mortality rates and the Birthing Project.

106.   Rates of infant mortality, youth suicide and unemployment are significantly higher than those for other Canadians, and most live below the official poverty line.

107.   Public health standards also are high, reflected in low disease and infant mortality statistics.

108.   Rural communities have a higher infant mortality rate, a higher adolescent pregnancy rate and a higher number of people living below poverty, he pointed out.

109.   Seven years ago, the city, with high rates of infant mortality, teen-age pregnancy and drug abuse, needed a health commissioner.

110.   She has also worked to reduce infant mortality among fellow American Indians.

a. + mortality >>共 112
infant 38.04%
high 9.82%
maternal 7.82%
highest 4.29%
higher 3.99%
lower 2.15%
increased 1.99%
overall 1.53%
excess 1.53%
lowest 1.23%
infant + n. >>共 213
mortality 21.51%
son 14.31%
daughter 10.41%
formula 5.98%
death 3.82%
child 2.34%
industry 2.17%
seat 2.17%
girl 1.73%
care 1.56%
每页显示:    共 247