101.   The United States has indicated its support for Blix, and several western diplomats said they believed he could have unanimous support in the council.

102.   Two exit polls released on Saturday indicated strong support for Hindu nationalists.

103.   Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta has indicated support for higher landing fees to encourage airlines to shift some flights from peak times.

104.   While the study indicates general support for welfare, it also shows widespread yearnings for reform.

105.   France on Thursday indicated support for a second term for Boutros-Ghali, as did his home country of Egypt.

106.   Godfrain said the priority for the new UN chief should be development problems -- and clearly indicated French support for Boutros-Ghali.

107.   He has in the past indicated some support for a ban on hunting, but failed to attend the Commons for recent votes.

108.   Hashimoto, himself a former finance minister, indicated his support for such an agency, noting that it had been considered before.

109.   Heyman made his announcement flanked by regents after their regular board meeting, saying their presence indicated their support.

110.   He was said to have produced wall posters and pictures of graffiti in Karachi indicating support for the ousting of US troops.

v. + support >>共 379
have 9.21%
win 5.39%
express 5.29%
provide 4.64%
receive 3.65%
seek 3.13%
get 2.63%
give 2.62%
offer 2.36%
gain 2.31%
indicate 0.54%
indicate + n. >>共 1046
willingness 5.41%
support 3.59%
interest 3.32%
presence 2.03%
problem 1.71%
desire 1.50%
intention 1.41%
preference 1.29%
change 1.24%
need 0.94%
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