101.   Russian forces were using helicopter gunships and tanks against several hundred heavily armed commandos, although details of the fighting were sketchy and at times conflicting.

102.   Since Monday, Marine Cobra helicopter gunships have slashed at convoys of fleeing Taliban fighters, officials said.

103.   Six U.S. Apache helicopter gunships arrived in Albania on Wednesday, increasing the firepower available to NATO commanders in the Yugoslav conflict.

104.   Soldiers were ordered to fire back if they were fired on, from tanks and helicopter gunships of necessary.

105.   Soldiers patrol the streets, and a helicopter gunship rises every few hours to make forays into the countryside to chase down the rebels.

106.   Thailand responded by sending helicopter gunships across the border to attack a Burmese village that had been described as a headquarters for the Burmese rebels.

107.   The attack stopped about half an hour later when helicopter gunships from the NATO-led force flew overhead.

108.   The battle between Israel, with its big guns, jets and helicopter gunships, and Hezbollah, the Party of God, went into its seventh day Wednesday.

109.   The defense secretary said an infantry battalion and armored helicopter gunships would be sent to Zaire to insure that the U.S. mission was protected.

110.   The Israelis returned fire, and helicopter gunships were called in to strafe the area, firing machine guns into the underbrush on the river bank.

n. + gunship >>共 10
helicopter 97.54%
government 0.93%
army 0.68%
cobra 0.25%
airforce 0.17%
attack 0.08%
four-engine 0.08%
heliicopter 0.08%
operation 0.08%
special-forces 0.08%
helicopter + n. >>共 319
gunship 35.61%
pilot 6.41%
crash 5.58%
attack 4.31%
flight 3.81%
crew 3.69%
ship 1.77%
strike 1.64%
tour 1.55%
ride 1.55%
每页显示:    共 1142