101.   And if so, what does this anger have to do with what happened at Waco?

102.   And despite the new safety measures, residents feel that another disastrous accident could happen at any time.

103.   And it is happening at all income levels.

104.   And if GNC saw earnings cut, it might happen at other vitamin concerns.

105.   And indeed that is precisely what has happened at a number of res taurants.

106.   And it happened at Cole Field House.

107.   And it happened at Madison Square Garden, just before the inauguration of Bill Clinton.

108.   And his best work, he says, happens at night.

109.   And his track record in Texas suggests that Bush is sincerely committed to bipartisanship and believes that he can make it happen at the national level.

110.   And it also happened at the recent Whitbread prizes.

v. + at >>共 990
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