101.   The surrender, if it goes ahead, would mark a major milestone in the US campaign against global terrorism.

102.   The threat of global terrorism demanded swift and concerted action, they said.

103.   The threat of global terrorism, they said, demanded swift and concerted action.

104.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali called Thursday for a binding international agreement that would commit states to steps aimed at ending global terrorism.

105.   Visiting Croatian President Stipe Mesic on Wednesday held talks with Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri on economic cooperation and other issues including global terrorism.

106.   Officials in Brussels said the foreign ministers would also agree a declaration on the Middle East peace process, and aim to adopt new initiatives to combat global terrorism.

107.   Pakistan officials accuse India of trying to gain political mileage from the parliament attack in light of the US-led war on global terrorism.

108.   Pakistan officials accuse India of trying to gain political mileage from the parliament attack in light of the US war against global terrorism.

109.   Philippine President Fidel Ramos asked Clinton for greater cooperation against global terrorism.

110.   Philippine President Fidel Ramos on Thursday asked US President Bill Clinton for greater cooperation against global terrorism.

a. + terrorism >>共 345
international 30.39%
combat 7.28%
sponsoring 6.75%
domestic 5.86%
global 4.45%
islamic 1.88%
nuclear 1.76%
state 1.76%
palestinian 1.57%
combatting 1.49%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
terrorism 0.75%
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