101.   Rakotomanana said the court needed more help from countries where genocide suspects had found refuge.

102.   Relations between Kenya and Rwanda have been strained with Kigali accusing Nairobi of sheltering genocide suspects.

103.   Rwandan authorities also want the commission to investigate allegations about genocide suspects working at the tribunal.

104.   Tens of thousands of Hutu genocide suspects are languishing in overcrowded jails.

105.   The adoption of the law and its approval by the Constitutional Court are the final stages in the process of bringing genocide suspects to trial.

106.   The final conference statement urged the speedy return of refugees and a speedy start to trials of genocide suspects.

107.   The first trial of Rwandan genocide suspects inside the country opens Friday in this southeastern town, Justice Minister Faustin Nizirgayo said on state radio late Thursday.

n. + suspect >>共 270
terror 11.13%
murder 9.43%
genocide 7.59%
terrorism 6.74%
police 5.18%
drug 4.26%
robbery 3.62%
crime 2.91%
war-crimes 2.62%
official 2.20%
genocide + n. >>共 51
charge 26.83%
suspect 20.08%
trial 14.26%
survivor 6.38%
tribunal 4.50%
case 3.00%
law 2.44%
conviction 2.06%
court 1.88%
victim 1.69%
每页显示:    共 106