101.   Two Army generals met at the arsenal with Allard to review five methods of neutralizing the bomblets that the generals said they intended to present to Owens on Friday.

102.   What the general did not say was that by locking Sharif up in prison the military risked making him a political martyr.

103.   Whatever the charges, the general said Monday, Sharif will have a chance to tell his side of the story at his trial.

104.   Worse, the general said Friday, the agents brought up highly personal issues about his family that stunned him.

105.   Political leader Radovan Karadzic won hardline support late Sunday for his ouster of commander Gen. Ratko Mladic, but senior generals said they would take orders only from Mladic.

106.   Political leader Radovan Karadzic won hard-line support late Sunday for his ouster of commander Gen. Ratko Mladic, but senior generals said they would take orders only from Mladic.

107.   A follow up visit is planned in February, Thai generals say.

108.   A Russian general has said expansion could spark a world war.

109.   A retired Russian general said Thursday that his political movement will go to court to try to oust President Boris Yeltsin.

110.   An Israeli military general said army choirs have no business singing peace songs because they promise a situation the army cannot deliver, Israel TV reported Monday.

n. + say >>共 480
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government 1.60%
general 0.06%
general + v. >>共 532
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tell 1.91%
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