101.   That alone is cause for concern within the administration, according to Dan Reicher, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Energy during the Clinton administration.

102.   The Commerce Department bears the name of Herbert Hoover, former Commerce secretary, and a new world trade center is named after Ronald Reagan.

103.   The Bush administration had scrapped a plan unveiled by the former housing secretary, Andrew M. Cuomo, as the Clinton administration was drawing to a close.

104.   The demonstrations at the time began with wreath-layings in honor of Hu Yaobang, a former general secretary who died.

105.   The Forbes campaign acknowledges that Forbes had settled out of court an age-discrimination suit filed by a former secretary.

106.   The former housing secretary is a native of Los Angeles and has strong ties in the San Diego area.

107.   The embattled former secretary has a far more understanding audience for his memoired mea culpa in Vietnam than in America, where he is being crucified by some critics.

108.   The former Treasury secretary chose to admit adultery and take the moral opprobrium rather than cast dishonor on his department.

109.   The governor sought to appoint Charles D. Baker Jr., his former secretary of administration and finance, to the job.

110.   The main division here is between Clifford Alexander, a former secretary of the Army, and Abigail Thernstrom of the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank.

a. + secretary >>共 315
general 28.85%
foreign 5.85%
former 5.83%
assistant 5.59%
cabinet 5.53%
party 3.37%
first 2.99%
new 2.39%
interior 2.23%
state 2.17%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
secretary 0.39%
每页显示:    共 310