101.   Then the board will decide whether to lodge formal charges against Profit, the source said.

102.   There apparently are no formal charges against Marzook in Israel, but he could be indicted under laws against taking part in terrorist activities.

103.   Then Valdivieso filed formal charges against Samper, charging him with illicit enrichment, electoral fraud, falsification of documents, and obstruction of justice.

104.   Those transactions played precisely the same role in fixing his punishment as they would have if they had been the subject of a formal charge and conviction.

105.   U.S. officials have focused on Salinas in two investigations, but they, too, have not brought formal charges against him.

106.   Top officials said Tuesday he may be held indefinitely as an enemy combatant without formal charges against him.

107.   Udall pressured the House Armed Services Committee, on which he served, to begin an investigation that led to formal charges against several members of Charlie Company.

108.   Under the law the police had the power to round up and detain anyone suspected of involvement in the violence without bringing formal charges.

109.   Virtually all the complaints were settled by issuing warnings to Bandy and his employees, and no formal charges were filed, Piccini said.

110.   Videla faces several legal proceedings before he would actually be arrested and face formal charges.

a. + charge >>共 637
criminal 17.22%
federal 3.71%
similar 3.70%
formal 3.04%
new 2.93%
additional 2.68%
serious 2.66%
same 2.62%
possible 1.63%
the 1.62%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
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