101.   Two charges accuse him of defrauding his employer, Barings Futures Singapore, six say he cheated SIMEX and three accuse him of forging documents.

102.   Two charges accuse him of defrauding Barings Futures Singapore, six say he cheated SIMEX and three accuse him of forging documents.

103.   He is charged with ordering followers to give false evidence and forging documents over a sect land purchase deal in the southern Japanese village of Namino.

104.   He is also charged with raping one of the girls and of forging vehicle documents.

105.   A new Kenyan political party on Thursday accused police of forging a document being used by the government to threaten it with a crackdown.

106.   Aravantinos was charged with forging documents to secure the release of a drugs baron held in Korydallos.

107.   But Safina officials denied the allegations and accused the police of forging a document being used by the government to threaten it with a crackdown.

108.   But Safina officials denied the allegations and accused the police of forging the document.

109.   Choi, a former attache at the South Korean embassy there, is wanted in South Korea on charges of forging official documents.

110.   Delimustafic will soon also face trial on charges of abuse of power and forging documents, Oslobodjenje daily reported.

v. + document >>共 605
sign 7.70%
destroy 3.61%
release 3.08%
have 2.46%
use 2.34%
produce 2.27%
obtain 2.06%
falsify 2.03%
file 1.97%
seize 1.83%
forge 1.78%
forge + n. >>共 296
tie 11.06%
alliance 9.75%
link 6.30%
document 6.10%
agreement 5.90%
compromise 3.10%
partnership 2.80%
coalition 2.60%
relationship 2.45%
signature 2.45%
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