101.   This, the report states, is one of the reasons why business-driven firms sell so much more online than do consumer-driven companies.

102.   They have said some firms might sell stock to the public, but that most would be off-limits to foreign investors.

103.   Wall Street firms typically sell billions of dollars of their own securities as a way to raise money to back purchases in the financial markets.

104.   A SISCO official at the time admitted the firm had been selling when it should have been buying because it did not favor the contract.

105.   And multinational firms may even sell the same product under different labels for varying prices across the zone.

106.   Debts would likely exceed assets by several billion yen at the end of this fiscal year in March unless the firm sells the Seiko Epson shares, it said.

107.   Davis said the firm would be selling its full range of cars in India which includes the Bentley range -- Brooklands, Azure, Turbo R and Continental R.

108.   Edmond Daccache, a Lebanese whose firm sells German-made power generators among other product lines, said follow-up sales would top one million dollars.

109.   Orange County sued Nomura Securities Friday, alleging the brokerage firm had illegally sold loan collateral on news that the county sought bankruptcy protection because of disastrous investments.

110.   Stocks could be traded in any currency at any time, allowing firms to sell shares wherever their products are bought.

n. + sell >>共 1471
company 14.36%
investor 8.43%
government 3.29%
store 2.78%
bank 2.23%
trader 1.82%
shop 1.57%
vendor 1.30%
firm 1.28%
book 1.12%
firm + v. >>共 662
be 10.84%
have 6.10%
say 5.04%
make 1.78%
do 1.21%
use 1.15%
take 1.11%
sell 1.08%
plan 1.00%
offer 0.98%
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