101.   Serb civilians fearing retaliation flee Kosovo, heading toward uncertain future.

102.   She said she feared police retaliation.

103.   Since then, dozens of policemen involved in the cleanup operation have been killed, said Karachi police officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity fearing retaliation.

104.   The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty works on the premise that the one party will not fire a missile at the other if it fears retaliation in kind.

105.   The Hutu refugees have refused to return home, fearing retaliation for the slaughter.

106.   The Hutus feared retaliation if they returned to Rwanda.

107.   The man, who reported the incident by telephone, did not provide his name, fearing retaliation from the authorities.

108.   The Hutu refugees have refused to return home, fearing retaliation by Tutsis for the slaughter.

109.   The Hutus have resisted returning home because they fear retaliation from the Tutsi-led government.

110.   The man reported the incident by telephone and did not give his name, fearing retaliation from the authorities.

v. + retaliation >>共 123
fear 19.80%
threaten 19.80%
face 4.48%
provoke 3.61%
promise 3.11%
trigger 3.11%
invite 2.86%
vow 2.74%
spark 2.24%
suffer 1.99%
fear + n. >>共 1072
reprisal 5.53%
attack 4.56%
violence 4.51%
worst 4.51%
retaliation 3.31%
loss 2.87%
retribution 2.58%
dead 1.96%
backlash 1.56%
arrest 1.39%
每页显示:    共 158