101.   The new era was a culture shock for companies like Digital, IBM, Unisys and Data General.

102.   The Marion Butts era was but a dim and distant memory, and now the fans and media wanted to know who would carry the football.

103.   The nature of partisanship.In political folklore, the Watergate years that culminated in the resignation of President Nixon were an era of wild, strident partisanship.

104.   The Love Bug era is a multi-player game with many angry, non-rational actors.

105.   The McCarthy era was difficult for both.

106.   The postwar era is in!

107.   The post-Communist era had not been kind to the successor agency of the once-formidable Soviet secret police.

108.   The post-Vietnam era was almost as wrenching, when his beloved army slid into a demoralized, drug-ravaged and undisciplined funk.

109.   The question of whether a new era is near is of more than academic interest.

110.   The political message of the post-impeachment era is that extremism is out and moderation in.

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