101.   He spoke about a recent five-game swing the Jazz went on, a road trip full of empty seats.

102.   He surveys the surroundings, glancing at the empty seats.

103.   He played in front of empty seats, even in his own arena.

104.   He wants to see no empty seats, an exciting card and an electric atmosphere.

105.   Her seven teammates wanted to row together the next morning and had an empty seat, so they invited Bayer, a fellow inductee, to join them.

106.   Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airways was the first airline to use the Internet to auction off empty seats.

107.   However, Dutta said that United would not try to stop passengers from moving into empty seats after the plane took off.

108.   Hospital staff have closed off half the room with a partition, but empty seats still remain.

109.   I convinced myself then that when they finally came out of it, players and owners would be greeted by echoes bouncing off empty seats and arena walls.

110.   Home runs and long foul balls clatter around acres of empty seats at many stadiums.

a. + seat >>共 852
front 8.89%
empty 6.27%
parliamentary 4.89%
permanent 3.95%
open 3.81%
congressional 3.64%
the 2.58%
remaining 2.48%
new 2.24%
council 1.44%
empty + n. >>共 1038
seat 7.06%
space 3.48%
net 3.39%
bottle 2.90%
house 2.83%
street 2.27%
building 1.83%
room 1.76%
lot 1.76%
chair 1.65%
每页显示:    共 387