101.   The rapidly deteriorating medical situation in Palestinian cities and towns held by the Israelis has drawn strong expressions of concern from international groups.

102.   The report said a key reason for the deteriorating situation was human rights violators escaping punishment.

103.   The Security Council met Wednesday to discuss the deteriorating situation in Liberia.

104.   The two leaders are expected to discuss the deteriorating situation in the central African Great Lakes region.

105.   The U.N. source said the air action was not linked to the deteriorating situation in Bihac.

106.   The younger Mobutu said his father would soon return to Zaire to deal with the deteriorating situation.

107.   The two-and-a-half-hour meeting was aimed at saving the mandate for peacekeepers increasingly threatened by the deteriorating situation in Bosnia and Croatia.

108.   The U.N. Security Council met in emergency session Saturday to consider the rapidly deteriorating situation in Bihac and throughout Bosnia.

109.   The U.N. Security Council urged all nations to fully implement sanctions against UNITA rebels in Angola, saying they were primarily responsible for the deteriorating situation in the country.

110.   The U.N. source said the air action near Otoka was not linked to the deteriorating situation in Bihac.

a. + situation >>共 632
economic 6.33%
current 5.75%
political 4.55%
sexual 3.56%
similar 3.51%
difficult 2.39%
same 2.01%
financial 1.93%
emergency 1.73%
such 1.61%
deteriorating 1.55%
deteriorating + n. >>共 181
situation 21.88%
condition 10.77%
health 7.79%
relation 6.30%
security 5.04%
economy 4.24%
weather 1.37%
building 1.37%
law 1.26%
relationship 1.26%
每页显示:    共 190