101.   The illegal immigrants were released pending deportation proceedings.

102.   The Immigration and Naturalization Service then began deportation proceedings, contending Nguyen was an alien convicted of an aggravated felony.

103.   The review was requested after a judge suspended deportation proceedings against suspected war criminals because of interference in the judicial process.

104.   The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service also has begun deportation proceedings against Nabwangu of Canada.

105.   The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service also has begun deportation proceedings against Nabwangu, who is a citizen of Canada.

106.   They will likely face deportation proceedings once their testimony is no longer needed.

107.   When his three-year term for a California petty theft conviction expired, the government detained him while starting deportation proceedings.

108.   Deportation proceedings against the four, who are now in hiding, will commence as soon as they are arrested, he said.

109.   Last year, the government said it would start deportation proceedings against four known ex-Nazis and was studying the cases of eight others.

110.   Ottawa said in January it would begin deportation proceedings against another eight suspected war criminals once the first four cases are completed.

n. + proceeding >>共 171
impeachment 21.86%
court 20.30%
bankruptcy 10.52%
extradition 9.14%
divorce 6.16%
deportation 5.05%
trial 1.70%
arbitration 1.70%
eviction 1.29%
contempt 1.10%
deportation + n. >>共 73
order 26.86%
proceeding 19.43%
hearing 16.43%
case 4.24%
procedure 3.71%
process 2.83%
law 1.59%
center 1.59%
rule 1.41%
train 1.24%
每页显示:    共 109